3月15日,纽约留学生网联手波士顿留学生网/华人青年协会 (CYPN) 推出本雪季第二次大巴滑雪活动,前往VT雪场Mount Snow。这也是我们 2014-2015雪季的第六次滑雪活动。这次活动,我们安排大巴从纽约接送大家往返雪场。Mount Snow是美东著名雪场,拥有多条雪道,在雪道的设计上也是变化多样,无论你是初学者还是滑雪高手都能找到适合自己的雪道。经过争取,这次活动提供从五五折起,还在等什么,赶快来加入我们吧。(请点击这里浏览我们的FAQ文档以更全面地了解此次活动详情)
CYPN partners with NYStudents to present you the second bus ski trip of the season. This time, we are heading to Mount Snow in Vermont. What are you waiting for? Come and join us! Please review the FAQ documents here before purchase.
活动费用 (Pricing, 不含手续费 Fee is NOT included ):
Option 1: $95 = Bus Fare from New York + Your choice of ticket/Package (含大巴往返)
(NOTE: bus fare is INCLUDED; Choose either Full Lift Ticket, or Beginner package that include skis/board, boots, and poles for skis.)
Option 2: $55 = Beginner Package with No Bus (适合初学者, 自驾)
(NOTE: bus fare is NOT included; *Equipment include skis/board, boots, and poles for skis.)
Option 3: $55 = Full mountain lift ticket (适合使用自有装备的童鞋, 自驾)
(NOTE: bus fare is NOT included, Equipment is not included)
06:00AM 开始登车
06:15AM 大巴出发离开
04:00PM 开始登车
04:30PM 大巴出发返回
登车地点 (Bus pickup location):
报名方式 (Registration steps):
1. 请点击链接购票. Please click on the purchase link
2. 如果购买beginner package,我们将在bus登车地点分发Rental form,到达雪场之后持Rental form和雪票领取装备。自驾的朋友,rental form会和雪票一起在waterville lodge由CYPN Officer分发。/ Rental forms will be distributed at bus boarding locations if you are taking the bus, and inside Mt.Snow lodge by CYPN Officers if you drive.
3. 本次活动名额有限,先到先得,售完为止. The event has limit on participants. First come first serve. Will sold out!
4. 购票之前,请查看Mt. Snow 雪道地图: